Products and services Technology projects

01Technology projects
- it is worth focusing on development
Technology and research projects ensure the smooth running of any organisation focused on development and innovation. And while more and more companies of all sizes are choosing to do projects themselves, few realise that creating a professional technology or research project requires adequate resources.

02Who orders development of technology projects?
Technological and industrial projects with the highest degree of innovation are used, among others, by companies in the following industries:
- glass industry,
- metallurgy,
- ceramics industry,
- mechanical engineering industry,
- high-tech industry,
- plastics processing,
- composite industry,
- automotive sector,
- energy sector,
- construction industry,
- paper industry,
- production of candles, scented and decorative products.

03What should a good technological design contain?
A business idea alone is not enough. A professional technology design consists of a descriptive section and a graphic presentation. It must comply with a number of requirements and formalities.
The descriptive part of the technological project must include a detailed characterisation of the assumed activity and a description of all processes that are planned for the area. All data must comply with all industry requirements, health and safety or food safety regulations and applicable legislation.
The graphic part of the technological design is an accurate reflection of all implemented procedures and applied technological solutions in the form of detailed technical drawings. It includes a projection of each room and technological routes to scale, together with the layout of all equipment in the facility.

04Research project
- what is it?
A professional research project should consist of the following elements:
- identifying the topic we intend to research,
- questions we plan to ask ourselves in the course of our research work,
- sources of information on the topic under analysis,
- hypotheses made on the basis of acquired knowledge of the topic in question,
- a diagnosis of the topic in question, providing answers to previously posed research questions.
In order for any data collected to be sufficiently reliable, it must be obtained in accordance with scientific requirements.
Research projects require the following actions:
- selection of research tools,
- selection of indicators of the variables under study,
- choice of study group,
- implementation of research,
- analysis of the findings,
- presentation of the results of the research in the form of a diagnosis of the topic under study.
In carrying out research projects, we use the following tools:
- surveys,
- interviews,
- observations,
- experiments.

05What are the objectives implemented by research projects for students?
Research projects, prepared and carried out by student teams, aim to deepen knowledge and gain experience in its practical application in specific companies or industries.
By carrying out research projects, students learn the principles of cooperation between the worlds of science and business, gaining relevant professional experience.

06How to get funding for research projects for young researchers?
Young researchers who are embarking on a career in the world of innovative technology can apply for funding to carry out their research processes, as well as internships in foreign scientific and industrial centres. Every year, the Ministry of Education and Science, universities and even representatives of the business world announce competitions for all those who want to carry out interesting research projects.
Every problem raises another problem. Exemplary research projects already carried out by other researchers can provide inspiration for further research. It is worth keeping up to date with the world of modern technology in search of a niche to explore more thoroughly.

07Scientific projects
- from a hypothesis to an analysis of conclusions
Science projects are a set of plans, ideas, activities, methods, procedures and techniques that need to be developed in a coordinated manner to achieve a specific goal. They result in scientific knowledge and the establishment of specific guidelines and lessons for the future.
Scientific projects can lead to highly original and innovative discoveries, but it is only their commercialisation that translates into a real return on research.