Products and services Product design

01Product design
- how is innovation born?
Every innovative product that comes to market is the result of the effective intermingling of business, technology, science and user experience. Product design must take into account human needs, the available technological capabilities, as well as the profitability of the overall investment. An in-depth analysis of these three elements is crucial and is the starting point for further product management activities.

02Product design
- where to start?
The purpose of the product design process is to create a product that is valuable, useful, possible to create and profitable. The key to success is to generate the best idea, based on the many others that are evaluated and ranked. It is not always the first idea that gives birth to an innovative product. It is usually the result of many tests and revisions.
The best companies spend a great deal of time and effort carefully researching the needs of potential customers and the opportunities presented by modern science and technology. All with the aim of creating an innovative product that will revolutionise a particular market.
Designing a product takes time and effort, so it is worth carefully assessing both the returns and any potential risks. Research and development units carefully check the potential of each idea. They present their knowledge and experience in the form of thorough analyses. All of this so that you can make an informed decision to pursue a particular idea.

03What does the product design process involve?
Product design proceeds through the following phases:
- observing the market and carrying out the necessary research,
- generating ideas and analysing them,
- selecting an idea for implementation,
- preparing a prototype and testing it under various scenarios,
- making the necessary adjustments,
- creating an actual product and commercialising it.
Each of these stages of product design is extremely important. It requires thorough preparation, understanding, openness and flexibility. An innovative idea is not only the result of analysis and research, but also needs to be verified in practice and confronted with reality. At each stage, the innovative idea, followed by the prototype and the actual product, requires consultation from a technological and business perspective. Only then is it able to establish itself permanently in the minds of consumers.

04Who to entrust with the difficult task of product design?
An innovative product is always the result of teamwork. It is worth entrusting product design to companies that have the right research and development facilities. Only the knowledge and experience of experts can guarantee the success of each stage of product design.
Implementing new ideas is risky and difficult, but with knowledge, in-depth analysis and familiarity with proven methods of operation, we are able to reduce this risk to an absolute minimum.

05How are innovative products developed?
Innovative products rarely happen by chance. Admittedly, sometimes product ideas can come “out of nowhere”, but the product design process itself is the result of the diligent work, passion and courage of many people. At the beginning, the results of the work may not meet our expectations, but making mistakes and looking for new ways to avoid them is simply one of the stages of designing an innovative product. This is how progress works!
The sources of innovation are real needs, desires or problems that are worth looking at from the widest possible perspective. Innovative products – whether food, cosmetics, electronics or any other products – result from close collaboration between science and business. They are proof that the future is created by the need to discover, create and improve new solutions, and that the path of this search is endless!
Do you want to create an innovative product or service?
Do you want to put innovative solutions into practice?
Do you want to make your mark on the global market?
Are you aware of the power that comes from collaboration between science and business?
Challenge the world and remember that when a company stops being creative, when it thinks it has already achieved perfection and now just needs to keep up production – then it is done!