Nanomaterials Multifunctional device for measuring the physicochemical properties of solutions

01CX-705, GXZ-3tk (warhead), Elmetron
- Ionometer, pH-meter, conductivity meter, oxygen meter with an immersion head.
- pH range: -6,000 to 20,000 (± 0.001)
- potential: ± 2000 mV (± 0.1 mV)
- conductivity: 0 – 2000 mS / cm (0.1 – 0.25%)
- salinity: 0 – 239 g / L KCl or 0 – 296 g / L NaCl (± 2%)
- oxygen: 0 – 60 mg / L (± 0.01 mg / L) and 0 – 600% (± 0.1%)
- temperature -50.00 – + 200.00 ° C (0.1 ° C)
- ions: 0 – 100 M / L (± 0.25%) or 0 – 100 g / L (± 0.25%) or 0 – 1,000,000 ppm (± 0.25%)
- temperature compensation
- ion-selective electrodes: Ag / S, Cu
- Solution analysis: measurements of pH, redox potential (mV), conductivity, salinity converted to NaCl, KCl or TDS, resistance, ion concentration, oxygen concentration in water and in the air, atmospheric pressure (hPa) and temperature of solutions (° C, ° F , K)
- Possibility to perform semi-automatic titration
- Solution analysis: pH measurements, conductivity, ion concentration, redox potential, oxygen concentration