Projekty Film recycling

Development of technology for recovery and reprocessing of recyclate based on the post-use PET-G film contaminated with colour print
Nazwa projektuFotowoltaika
01Project description
The CBRTP, together with its partners, is executing a research and implementation project in the field of materials engineering, which will facilitate the re-use of a common, post-processed coloured film in the production of polymer materials. Manufacturers of food, cosmetics and medical packaging will benefit from the results of the project.
Until now, it was not possible to recycle film contaminated with colour print. The effect of the project will have a considerable environmental dimension, for this product is one of the least biodegradable materials, and its elimination through thermal treatment or landfilling remains a huge problem all over Europe.
CBRTP has developed a unique and unprecedented concept of co-operation - a consortium agreement with certain features of a licence agreement. It envisages that within the framework of the research co-operation, the Leader shall be granted exclusive rights to the research results in exchange for a guarantee of research partners' share in the Leader's project revenues for a minimum of 15 years after its completion. Such a model, sanctioning the future division of benefits generated based on the results of a joint scientific and research co-operation at the stage of starting the co-operation, is an innovation in building long-term relations between the research centres and industry and has a huge economic potential.
The CBRTP, as a co-author, has filed a patent application with the European Patent Office as part of the co-operation in the field of film recycling.
The agreement No. GEKON2/O5/266860/24/2016 for the implementation and financing of the project executed in the framework of GEKON - Ecological Concepts Generator programme.
Until now, it was not possible to recycle film contaminated with colour print. The effect of the project will have a considerable environmental dimension, for this product is one of the least biodegradable materials, and its elimination through thermal treatment or landfilling remains a huge problem all over Europe.
CBRTP has developed a unique and unprecedented concept of co-operation - a consortium agreement with certain features of a licence agreement. It envisages that within the framework of the research co-operation, the Leader shall be granted exclusive rights to the research results in exchange for a guarantee of research partners' share in the Leader's project revenues for a minimum of 15 years after its completion. Such a model, sanctioning the future division of benefits generated based on the results of a joint scientific and research co-operation at the stage of starting the co-operation, is an innovation in building long-term relations between the research centres and industry and has a huge economic potential.
The CBRTP, as a co-author, has filed a patent application with the European Patent Office as part of the co-operation in the field of film recycling.
The agreement No. GEKON2/O5/266860/24/2016 for the implementation and financing of the project executed in the framework of GEKON - Ecological Concepts Generator programme.
02Members of the scientific and industrial consortium
- Nicrometal S.A.
- Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie
- Politechnika Warszawska
- Centrum Badań i Rozwoju Technologii dla Przemysłu S.A.
- Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie
- Politechnika Warszawska
- Centrum Badań i Rozwoju Technologii dla Przemysłu S.A.
03Project data
Execution period: 01.03.2016 - 28.02.2018 / 24 months
Total eligible project cost: PLN 11 035 791.00
Amount of co-financing: PLN 8 819 153.00
– NCBR - PLN 7 465 898.00
– NFOŚiGW - PLN 1 353 255.00
Own contribution: PLN 2 216 638.00
Total eligible project cost: PLN 11 035 791.00
Amount of co-financing: PLN 8 819 153.00
– NCBR - PLN 7 465 898.00
– NFOŚiGW - PLN 1 353 255.00
Own contribution: PLN 2 216 638.00