Projekty Photovoltaic cell pastes

Development of a technology for the production of the copper components and pastes used in the electric contacts and silicon cell production process
Nazwa projektuFotowoltaika
01Project description
CBRTP is executing an R&D project in the field of materials engineering that will make it possible to replace expensive silver-based metallic pastes with an alternative product, based on copper particles, developed as part of the project. The results of the project will be beneficial to the global photovoltaic cell manufacturers.
What makes this project innovative and unique is the development of a new type of copper-based component enabling the production of a paste with a Cu content of 50-90% by weight and its application in the manufacture of front electrodes of photovoltaic cells based on mono and polycrystalline silicon. Implementation of the project results will contribute to a reduction in silicon cell metallisation costs by up to 50%, as a costly silver component will be replaced by a cheaper copper (CuXX) component. This new type of component will also enable the electrode tracks to be applied using a cheap screen-printing method, without having to reorganise the machinery park currently used by the photovoltaic cell manufacturers, which should be considered a highly innovative product with the potential for global use. The new product developed as part of this project will be marketed globally as an alternative to the currently used contact pastes. The design concept is based on the technology developed by a Polish group of scientists from the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of the PAS (Strategic Partner of the CBRTP S.A.) and shared with the CBRTP under a licence agreement.
The results of the project will have a significant environmental dimension, as the ever-increasing raw material prices currently used in the production of contact pastes (silver), due to the declining silver deposits, create a demand to search for the alternatives to reduce the product price and preserve the current machinery park used in the electrical contacts manufacturing process. The falling price of the solar energy equipment will facilitate its wider use in industry and home installations and will thus contribute to an increase in the production of energy from renewable sources.
The agreement No. POIR.01.01.01-00-1598/15-00 named: “Development of a technology for the production of a copper paste and component for use in the production of the electrical contacts on the silicon cells” executed in the framework of Measure 1.1 “R&D projects of enterprises”, Sub-measure 1.1.1 "Industrial research and development work carried out by enterprises” of Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
What makes this project innovative and unique is the development of a new type of copper-based component enabling the production of a paste with a Cu content of 50-90% by weight and its application in the manufacture of front electrodes of photovoltaic cells based on mono and polycrystalline silicon. Implementation of the project results will contribute to a reduction in silicon cell metallisation costs by up to 50%, as a costly silver component will be replaced by a cheaper copper (CuXX) component. This new type of component will also enable the electrode tracks to be applied using a cheap screen-printing method, without having to reorganise the machinery park currently used by the photovoltaic cell manufacturers, which should be considered a highly innovative product with the potential for global use. The new product developed as part of this project will be marketed globally as an alternative to the currently used contact pastes. The design concept is based on the technology developed by a Polish group of scientists from the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of the PAS (Strategic Partner of the CBRTP S.A.) and shared with the CBRTP under a licence agreement.
The results of the project will have a significant environmental dimension, as the ever-increasing raw material prices currently used in the production of contact pastes (silver), due to the declining silver deposits, create a demand to search for the alternatives to reduce the product price and preserve the current machinery park used in the electrical contacts manufacturing process. The falling price of the solar energy equipment will facilitate its wider use in industry and home installations and will thus contribute to an increase in the production of energy from renewable sources.
The agreement No. POIR.01.01.01-00-1598/15-00 named: “Development of a technology for the production of a copper paste and component for use in the production of the electrical contacts on the silicon cells” executed in the framework of Measure 1.1 “R&D projects of enterprises”, Sub-measure 1.1.1 "Industrial research and development work carried out by enterprises” of Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
02Members of the scientific and industrial consortium
- Centrum Badań i Rozwoju Technologii dla Przemysłu
03Project data
Execution period: 01.06.2016 - 31.08.2018 / 27 months
Total eligible project cost: : PLN 2 176 969,38
Industrial research: PLN 2 067 238,00
R&D: PLN 109 731,38
Amount of co-financing: PLN 1 719 629,23
Industrial research: PLN 1 653 790,40 zł
R&D: PLN 65 838,83
Own contribution: PLN 457 340,15
Total eligible project cost: : PLN 2 176 969,38
Industrial research: PLN 2 067 238,00
R&D: PLN 109 731,38
Amount of co-financing: PLN 1 719 629,23
Industrial research: PLN 1 653 790,40 zł
R&D: PLN 65 838,83
Own contribution: PLN 457 340,15