Projekty Flameproof overalls and materials

Modern technologies of nanocomposite, reflective layers for firefighting protective clothing materials
Nazwa projektuFotowoltaika
01Project descriptio
The CBRTP is performing its own tasks as part of a materials engineering project that will lead to the development of materials for the production of highly fire-resistant protective clothing. “Uniform of the future” will be dedicated to the firefighters and other uniformed services involved in operations and missions conducted in extremely dangerous conditions. The state-of-the-art technologies used in the base material will certainly contribute in the future to the modernisation of protective clothing for the industrial sector, where employees are particularly exposed to high temperatures and fire hazards (like miners, metallurgists, coking or chemical plant personnel).
As part of the executed project, the CBRTP and its partners are turning to the technologies never used before that are very likely to improve the safety of people. The primary goal of the research is to develop a material for the production of clothing, overalls, protective curtains that improve operational safety in hazardous working environments. These products will also be used in rescue operations, mitigating the risk of burns and other injuries. The programme, inspired by the CBRTP and other members of the consortium, reflects the dynamic development of nanotechnology, which, through inventions, makes a noticeable contribution to elevating the living standard for humanity.
Thanks to the unique organisational model developed by the CBRTP and the substantive concept devised by the consortium, the project has received funding for its activities in an amount of PLN 6 million, with a total budget just slightly exceeding PLN 6.8 million.
The agreement No. DOB-BIO6/04/104/2014 for the implementation and financing of the project executed for the SAFETY AND DEFENCE OF THE STATE CONTEST of 6/2014.
As part of the executed project, the CBRTP and its partners are turning to the technologies never used before that are very likely to improve the safety of people. The primary goal of the research is to develop a material for the production of clothing, overalls, protective curtains that improve operational safety in hazardous working environments. These products will also be used in rescue operations, mitigating the risk of burns and other injuries. The programme, inspired by the CBRTP and other members of the consortium, reflects the dynamic development of nanotechnology, which, through inventions, makes a noticeable contribution to elevating the living standard for humanity.
Thanks to the unique organisational model developed by the CBRTP and the substantive concept devised by the consortium, the project has received funding for its activities in an amount of PLN 6 million, with a total budget just slightly exceeding PLN 6.8 million.
The agreement No. DOB-BIO6/04/104/2014 for the implementation and financing of the project executed for the SAFETY AND DEFENCE OF THE STATE CONTEST of 6/2014.
02Members of the scientific and industrial consortium
- Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna w Warszawie – Consortium leader
- Szkoła Aspirantów Państwowej Straży Pożarnej w Krakowie
- Centrum Badań i Rozwoju Technologii dla Przemysłu S.A.
- DMA Sp. z o.o.
- Szkoła Aspirantów Państwowej Straży Pożarnej w Krakowie
- Centrum Badań i Rozwoju Technologii dla Przemysłu S.A.
- DMA Sp. z o.o.
03Project data
Execution period: 23.12.2014 – 22.12.2017/ 36 months
Total eligible project cost: PLN 6 846 671.00
Amount of co-financing: PLN 6 000 000.00
Own contribution: PLN 846 671. 00
Total eligible project cost: PLN 6 846 671.00
Amount of co-financing: PLN 6 000 000.00
Own contribution: PLN 846 671. 00