Projekty Monitoring the condition of linear land infrastructure

An experimental adaptation of aerogeophysical methods toward developing instruments for the effective monitoring of floodbank conditions and other linear land infrastructure.
Nazwa projektuDrony, systemy bezzałogowe
01Project description
The CBRTP, in co-operation with leading specialists from the field of geophysics, is executing a project of monitoring land infrastructure, including floodbanks, as the public utility structures for the prediction of hazardous events to ensure effective counteraction and crisis management. A key element of the project is the development of instruments to monitor and assess the condition of floodbanks in Poland and across Europe. Given the high intensity of severe atmospheric phenomena covering all of Europe, this project is perfectly consistent with the business strategy of CBRTP and the other members of the consortium, guided by the social and economic benefits arising from the use of the developed instruments. These instruments will be used to improve public safety through their use for the continuous assessment of the state of roads and other critical land infrastructure (sewers, power lines, pipelines) and investigation of sites affected by post-war unexploded ordnance.
The CBRTP, alongside the other consortium partners, is executing this project in co-operation with Przedsiębiorstwo Badań Geofizycznych Sp. z o.o. (Geophysical Research Company) and Okregowe Przedsiębiorstwo Geodezyjno-Kartograficzne “OPEGIEKA Sp. z o.o.” (Regional Geodetic and Cartographic Enterprise). Our strategic scientific partners include: The AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, the Maritime University of Szczecin and the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin.
CBRTP, as a leading partner in the application process, has optimised the project's financial and business model, which resulted in obtaining co-financing amounting to over PLN 6 million (85% of which is co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund and 15% from the state budget), with a total budget of nearly PLN 9.5 million.
The agreement No. POIG.01.04.00-00-363/13 of 16.06.2014 is executed in the framework of the Innovative Economy Operational Programme, 2007-2013, Priority 1. Research and development of modern technologies, Measure 1.4 Support of targeted projects.
The CBRTP, alongside the other consortium partners, is executing this project in co-operation with Przedsiębiorstwo Badań Geofizycznych Sp. z o.o. (Geophysical Research Company) and Okregowe Przedsiębiorstwo Geodezyjno-Kartograficzne “OPEGIEKA Sp. z o.o.” (Regional Geodetic and Cartographic Enterprise). Our strategic scientific partners include: The AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, the Maritime University of Szczecin and the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin.
CBRTP, as a leading partner in the application process, has optimised the project's financial and business model, which resulted in obtaining co-financing amounting to over PLN 6 million (85% of which is co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund and 15% from the state budget), with a total budget of nearly PLN 9.5 million.
The agreement No. POIG.01.04.00-00-363/13 of 16.06.2014 is executed in the framework of the Innovative Economy Operational Programme, 2007-2013, Priority 1. Research and development of modern technologies, Measure 1.4 Support of targeted projects.
02Members of the scientific and industrial consortium
- Przedsiębiorstwo Badań Geofizycznych Sp. z o.o. – Consortium leader
- Centrum Badań i Rozwoju Technologii dla Przemysłu S.A.
- OPEGIEKA Sp. z o.o.
- Centrum Badań i Rozwoju Technologii dla Przemysłu S.A.
- OPEGIEKA Sp. z o.o.
03Project data
Execution period: 10.04.2014 – 31.12.2015/ 21 months
Total eligible project cost: PLN 8 899 315.58
Industrial research: PLN 8 619 80.84
R&D: PLN 279 513.74
Amount of co-financing: PLN 6 013 031.26
Industrial research: PLN 5 865 733.82
R&D: PLN 147 297.44
Own contribution: PLN 2 886 284.32
Total eligible project cost: PLN 8 899 315.58
Industrial research: PLN 8 619 80.84
R&D: PLN 279 513.74
Amount of co-financing: PLN 6 013 031.26
Industrial research: PLN 5 865 733.82
R&D: PLN 147 297.44
Own contribution: PLN 2 886 284.32