Products and services Technology consultancy

01Technology consultancy
Make use of the knowledge and experience of experts
Do you want to build an advantage through innovation?
Do you want to know the commercialisation potential of a specific technology?
Do you need a consultation on your business development opportunities?
Do you dream of creating a product that will revolutionise the market?
Are you applying for innovation funding?
Do you want to know if the technology you are about to invest in will recoup its costs and return profit?
Understanding the problems of today’s economy, we offer in-depth analyses of available technologies and their impact on specific businesses.
We help identify the potential risks of implementing certain technological solutions and highlight their real potential.
Innovation drives the economy and is now a fundamental part of any growth-oriented organisation’s strategy. However, in such a fast-moving reality, it is difficult to keep your hand on the pulse. As part of our technology consultancy, we also help you to keep up to date with the most important legal and tax regulations for new technology implementations.

02What does technology consultancy cover?
Technology consultancy encompasses a wide range of services to ensure that collaboration between the worlds of science and business brings the expected success. It is an effective instrument for supporting micro, small, medium-sized companies as well as large organisations.
For many companies, these services are treated as standard and are permanently embedded in the business strategy process. Technology consultancy can take the form of single projects or multi-month programmes.
Growth-oriented companies very often wonder whether the new technology they intend to implement is innovative and will give them the desired success in the market. They want to know when exactly and to what extent their investment in technology will recoup its cost and return real profits.
Technology consultancy provides the possibility to analyse:
- innovation of the technology in question,
- its commercialisation potential,
- viability of implementing a given technological solution,
- risk factors associated with the implementation of the technology in question.
What exactly do we analyse as part of our technology consultancy?
- technologies,
- inventions,
- patents,
- industrial designs,
- copyright,
- intangible resources, including “know-how”.

03IT consultancy
Do you want to use modern information technology to build your advantage in the market?
Are you wondering how to effectively align your IT architecture with your goals?
Do you want to increase the value of your product by offering new digital values?
Do you want to explore the possibilities of applying artificial intelligence within your business?
Do you want to build a stable and secure IT environment?
Are you looking for ideas to automate some of your activities?
As part of our IT consultancy, we will plan, design and implement IT solutions that can meet all your business objectives. With the support of experts, you will create an efficient and fully optimised IT environment and learn which IT measures will increase your company’s competitiveness.

04Technology consultancy training
Practice is the best teacher! As part of our technology consultancy services, we offer a tailor-made training plan that will enable you to enter the commercialisation process of your technology even more effectively. Our experience shows that knowledge allows you to engage even more effectively in the change process.

05Knowledge is the impetus for innovation!
The largest centres where technology companies operate – Warsaw, Cracow, Wrocław, Poznań, Pomerania region – create thriving communities focused on enhancing the relationship between science and business.
By focusing on knowledge development, technology companies across the country are building a strong economy based on truly innovative ideas. Examples of such activities are technology parks, business incubators, hubs or technology transfer centres. It is thanks to them that the flow of knowledge and technology between research units and business is even smoother and more inspiring. Become a part of it!